- Downtown Toronto (St. George)
Fields of Study
- Ancient
- European
- Mediterranean
- Archaeology
Areas of Interest
- Ancient (Aegean Bronze Age)
I specialize in the Aegean Bronze Age, and Minoan Crete in particular. My main focus currently is the east Cretan site of Palaikastro, where I direct a new excavation project. I continue my research on pottery from a number of other Aegean sites, such as Knossos, Malia, Myrtos Pyrgos, Akrotiri, and Miletus. This multi-sited approach has led me into various kinds of network analysis for investigating regional interactions. My work on pottery relates to an interest I have in material culture generally, and the methodological and theoretical challenges involved in its study. In terms of teaching, my undergraduate classes focus on the east Mediterranean and Aegean in prehistory, and at the graduate level I have offered both specific Aegean topics, and wider explorations of material culture theory.
- The Aegean Material Culture Lab:
- Mediterranean Collaborative Specialization:
Current Research
- Creativity in Minoan Art
- Interaction networks in the Aegean Bronze Age
- Palace and Landscape at Palaikastro
- Knossos and Crete during the early Neopalatial period
Selected Publications
- Knappett, C., Macdonald, C. and I. Mathioudaki, 2023. Knossos: From First to Second Palace. An Integrated Ceramic, Stratigraphic, and Architectural Study. London: BSA.
- Poursat, J.-C. and C. Knappett, 2022. The Art and Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age: A History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Watts, C. and C. Knappett (eds.), 2022. Ancient Art Revisited: Global Perspectives from Art History and Archaeology. London: Routledge
- Knappett, C. 2020. Aegean Bronze Age Art: Meaning in the Making. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Leidwanger, J. and C. Knappett (eds), 2018. Maritime Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Letesson, Q. and C. Knappett (eds), 2017. Minoan Architecture and Urbanism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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