Business Cards

Business Cards

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To order official U of T business cards, please complete the fields below and click “Submit.”
Note that some fields are optional (e.g., Honorific, Post-nomials, etc.).

If you have any questions, please contact the Office Manager & Assistant to the Chair.

Post-nomials appear immediately after your name. To select multiple items, hold down Ctrl+Click on your selections.
Appears below your name, e.g., Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Principal & Registrar, etc.
Faculty of Arts & Science appears as part of the University of Toronto logo on all business card requests. Please indicate if you would like an additional office name included, e.g., Department of Art History, University College, etc.
Enter building name, room number, street address, city, postal code. e.g., Sidney Smith Hall, Room 6036, 100 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3 *Canada is added automatically to all business card addresses.
Up to two numbers are permitted per business card, space permitting.