Institutional Image Teaching Collection (JSTOR)

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The University of Toronto’s Institutional Image Teaching Collection (ITC) is now housed on the JSTOR platform. The collection consists of close to 100,000 images of art works and architecture from a vast array of periods, cultures, and disciplines. Its content is largely tailored to current teaching and research needs, but it also constitutes a valuable image archive. The collection, featuring a number of specialized sub-collections, has been built by faculty and staff supporting image-based instruction across the St. George, Mississauga, and Scarborough campuses over several decades. As of 2023, most materials available on FADIS, U of T’s now decommissioned image database, have been transferred to JSTOR. The platform features many useful tools for research, teaching, and study, and is accessible by all University of Toronto students and faculty with a UTORid.

Accessing the Institutional Teaching Collection (ITC):

Access to the ITC requires UTORid authentication. If you are accessing via a network on campus (wired or WiFi), or are off-campus but connecting by VPN, simply click the link below to go to the University of Toronto Institutional Page. From there you can search the collection in the search field, or click on the Institutional Teaching Collections link futher down the page to be taken to the full collection, which allows for refined search options and browsing.

Access the UofT Institutional Image Teaching Collection

For those who wish to access the collection off-campus and do not use a VPN, please use this this link to authenticate your UTORid with UTL. You will then automatically be forwarded to the image collection on JSTOR.

JSTOR Collection Banner

Creating a JSTOR Account:

Although not required to access the image collection, a free JSTOR account is necessary in order to use the personal JSTOR Workspace. Workspace allows you to save materials, including images and articles, that you find in the collection (and elsewhere on JSTOR), organize these materials, and even export image groups as presentations or study aids. To register for a free account on JSTOR, click the link below:

Register for a JSTOR Account

JSTOR Registration Graphic