Graduate Art History

Graduate Scholarships and Awards

The School of Graduate Studies and the Faculty of Arts & Science award many graduate student scholarships. Graduate students are encouraged to search out funding from various internal and external sources. Students should apply for all sources of funding for which they are eligible. The Graduate Office has compiled shortlists of various scholarships and awards below to get you started. You may also be interested in using the U of T Award Explorer and exploring the School of Graduate Studies website to find diverse funding opportunities that recognize your achievements and financially support your studies.

Award Explorer

SGS Scholarships and Awards

MA Scholarships and Awards

Source Description
Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s (CGS-M) Program ​The objective of the Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s (CGS-M) Program is to help develop research skills and assist in the training of highly qualified personnel by supporting domestic students who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in undergraduate and early graduate studies.
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) program encourages excellence in graduate studies at publicly-assisted universities in Ontario. Open to both domestic and international students.
Paula Bonato Memorial Award To be awarded to a Master's student in the Department of Art History upon graduation, on the basis of academic achievement.

PhD Scholarships and Awards

Students are expected to apply to CGS-D/SSHRC and OGS scholarships in the fall and winter terms respectively. No TA hours will be required if you apply for and receive a CGS-D/SSHRC or OGS scholarship.

Source Description
Department of Art History International Doctoral Cluster France-Canada Initiative The international doctoral cluster is a formal academic training agreement with the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes and the Sorbonne University, both in Paris. This IDC opens new lines of graduate inquiry in art history, connects emerging researchers with an international network of mentors, and supports PhD students’ research travel in France. 
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships The Vanier CGS program aims to attract and retain world-class doctoral students by supporting domestic and international students who demonstrate both leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies in social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering, and health.
Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral (CGS-D​) Program​ | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) The Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral (CGS-D) program is a federal program of scholarships awarded through national competitions by the granting agencies: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). These awards are open to domestic students only.
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) program encourages excellence in graduate studies at publicly-assisted universities in Ontario. Open to both domestic and international students.
Connaught International Scholarship This scholarship is a prestigious award for first-year international doctoral students. Application for this award is by Departmental recommendation only.
Mary H. Beatty Fellowship Entrance fellowship into the doctoral program. Similar conditions as for the Connaught scholarship apply. Application for this award is by Departmental recommendation only.

Travel and Conference Awards

Source Description
Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements The Canada Graduate Scholarships-Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements (CGS-MSFSS) Program supports high-calibre Canadian graduate students in building global linkages and international networks through the pursuit of exceptional research experiences at research institutions abroad.
SGS Conference Grant The SGS Conference Grant provides financial support to encourage eligible students to actively present their research at an academic conference during the early stages of their graduate studies.
SGS Research Travel Grant The SGS Research Travel Grant provides modest financial support to eligible students who are registered in the Humanities or Social Sciences, in order to pursue research travel that is necessary for the final stages of their PhD or SJD program.
Study Elsewhere of Less Commonly Taught (SELECT) Languages for Research Purposes Fund The Study Elsewhere of Less Commonly Taught (SELECT) Languages for Research Purposes fund enables graduate students to pursue language study required for their research outside of U of T, if this language is not regularly taught at U of T. Funds are awarded to individual graduate students through a competitive process overseen by the Dean’s Advisory Committee on Languages.
Department of Art History Travel Grant The Department of Art History Travel Grant is designed to provide full-time students with financial assistance in order to attend conferences and to pursue travel that is necessary for research and in support of the completion of their dissertation thesis. In order to be eligible for this award, students must be registered full-time, be in good academic standing, and be in the advanced stages of their PhD dissertation thesis. Applications by Master's students will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Other research/travel funding available to students will be taken into account in the evaluation of each application. Preference will be given to first-time applicants.

Faculty of Arts & Science Scholarships and Awards

Source Description
Art History Graduate Scholarship Fund
  • Established through the generous donations of various donors and matched by the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF).
  • It is awarded to graduate students in the Department of Art History. On the recommendation of the Department Chair, in any given year the award may be restricted for travel support.
Beverley A. Parker Memorial Travel Award
  • Established through the generous donations of various donors and OSOTF.
  • It is awarded to graduate students in the Department of Art History, and is restricted for travel support.
Department of Art History Graduate Scholarship
  • Established through the generous donations of various donors and matched by OSOTF and OTSS.
  • It is awarded to a student in the Department of Art History on the basis of financial need. Academic merit may also be considered.
Elisabeth Alfoldi Rosenbaum Memorial Award
  • Established through donations from various donors to the Department of Art History and matched by OSOTF and the Endowed Adjustment Fund (EAF).
  • It is awarded to a graduate student at the University of Toronto with a demonstrated interest in the areas of Professor Alfoldi Rosenbaum's interests: the Hellenistic through Early Byzantine periods (approximately 300 B.C.700 A.D.)
Helen Jeannette Dow Fellowship in Art History
  • Established by Marguerite Ruth Dow (University College 1949) in memory of her twin sister Helen Jeanette Dow (1926-1993) who graduated in Honours Art and Archaeology from University College in 1949. Helen Jeannette Dow went on to earn her PhD in 1955 from Bryn Mawr College, specializing in Medieval art. She became an Assistant Professor in 1963 and an Associate Professor in 1965 at the University of Toronto, where she taught art history until 1972. It is matched by OSOTF and EAF.
  • It is awarded to a student entering a graduate program in the Department of Art History on the basis of financial need and academic merit, with preference given to a student who has graduated from University College.
Jean Sutherland Boggs Fellowship
  • Established through the generous donations of various donors.
  • It is awarded to graduate students in the Department of Art History on the basis of financial need and academic merit. On the recommendation of the department chair, in any given year the award may be restricted for travel support.
Leonore V. Kinghorn Scholarship
  • Established by the Estate of the late Andrew Alexander Kinghorn.
  • It is awarded to graduate students in the Department of Art History, with preference given to students who have passed the PhD comprehensive examinations. The fellowships are awarded to permit recipients to spend up to three months in travel and research on an itinerary approved by the Department of Art History.
Leontine Amant Ebers / Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Art (OGS)
  • Established by Leontine P. Ebers.
  • It is awarded to an OGS recipient in the Department of Art History.
Manzu Scholarship
  • Established by the Italian Bankers’ Association.
  • It is awarded to graduate students in the Department of Art History studying any period of art in Italy. Preference will be given to doctoral students wishing to study the work of the contemporary Italian artist Giacomo Manzu.
Paula Bonato Memorial Award
  • Established by Paul and Anna Maria Bonato and family.
  • It is awarded to a Master’s student on the basis of academic merit upon graduation from the Department of Art History.
Peter H. Brieger Fellowship
  • Established through the generous donations of various donors and matched by OSOTF.
  • It is awarded to graduate students in the Department of Art History. On the recommendation of the department chair, in any given year, the award may be restricted for travel support.
Robert Deshman Memorial Fund
  • Established through the generous donations of various donors and matched OSOTF and EAF.
  • It is awarded to graduate students in the Department of Art History, with priority given to students studying Medieval art and architecture. On the recommendation of the department chair, in any given year, the award may be restricted for travel support.
Robert and Jacqueline White Scholarship / Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Art (OGS)
  • Established by Robert G. White.
  • It is awarded to an OGS recipient in the Department of Art History.
Stephen Vickers Memorial Award
  • Established through the generous donations of various donors and matched by OSOTF, EAF and OTSS.
  • It is awarded to graduate students in the Department of Art History. On the recommendation of the Department Chair, in any given year, the award may be restricted for travel support.
W. Bernard Herman Scholarship in Art
  • Established in honour of Dr. Herman’s 95th birthday by the Division of University Advancement and the Faculty of Arts & Science and matched by the Graduate Student Endowment Fund (GSEF).
  • It is awarded upon admission to a graduate student in the Department of Art History.

External Fellowships

Students may also search out funding from external sources, including those listed below. Students should apply for all sources of external funding for which they are eligible.

Source Description
CASVA Fellowships Members of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts resident community of scholars include the Kress-Beinecke Professor, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor, the Edmond J. Safra Visiting Professor, the A. W. Mellon Lecturer in the Fine Arts, and approximately 18 fellows at any one time, including senior fellows, visiting senior fellows, research associates, a postdoctoral fellow, and predoctoral fellows.
Getty Doctoral Fellowships Getty Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships are intended for emerging scholars to complete work on projects related to the Getty Research Institute's annual research theme or the African American Art History Initiative.
Harvard University Center for Hellenic Studies (CHS) Fellowships Since its establishment, CHS US awards fellowships to researchers whose projects concern ancient Greek civilization and its multi-dimensional influence.
Hutchins Center for African and African American Research Fellowships Started in 1975 as the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, the Institute has annually appointed scholars who conduct individual research for a period of one to two semesters in a wide variety of fields related to African and African American Studies.
International Center of Medieval Art The International Center of Medieval Art promotes and supports the study, understanding, and preservation of visual and material cultures produced primarily between ca. 300 CE and ca. 1500 CE in every corner of the medieval world. 
Iter Fellowships In cooperation with Iter Inc., the Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) offers a fellowship programme for graduate students to work on Iter’s research projects.
Kress Foundation Grants Through its Grant Programs, the Kress Foundation supports scholarly projects that promote the appreciation, interpretation, preservation, study and teaching of European art from antiquity to the early 19th century.
Leonard A. Lauder Fellowships in Modern Art Fellowships in the Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art offer an exceptional opportunity for scholars of modernism to conduct focused research on an independent project, while contributing to the activities and programs of the Research Center.
Medieval Academy of America The Medieval Academy of America is a scholarly community committed to deepening, broadening, and sharing knowledge of the medieval past in an inclusive and equitable way. 
Metropolitan Museum of Art Fellowships Join a community of scholars in the fields of art history, archaeology, museum education, conservation, and related sciences, as well as scholars in other disciplines, whose dynamic and interdisciplinary projects require close study of objects in The Met collection.
Smithsonian Institution Fellowships Smithsonian Institution Fellows are key to the Smithsonian’s aspiration to discover, create, innovate and diversify.


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