Pierre Marty

Pierre Marty

First Name: 
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Postdoctoral Fellow
Biography : 

Pierre Marty holds a Ph.D. in Early Modern Art History (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, 2019). His doctoral thesis focuses on the memoirist, patron of the arts, and urbanist Louis de Mondran (1699–1792). It was awarded the 2020 Ourgaud prize of the Société Archéologique du Midi de la France. Since his Ph.D. degree, Pierre has collaborated with the ACA-RES program, which is dedicated to the study of art academies in provincial pre-industrial France. He is also a member of the international program PICTOR (Le métier de peintre dans les villes d’Europe méridionale), which studies the profession of painters across Southern Europe in the 18th century. Pierre Marty is interested in all kinds of connections emerging from drawing practices and uses, notably the ones related to architecture and urbanism, through the “embellishment of the cities” movement that spread throughout France during the second half of the 18th century. This theme is crucial to the research project that he is conducting at the University of Toronto, where he intends to study, through various aspects and numerous unpublished documents, how provincial drawing academies shaped cities and the environment in eighteenth-century France.

Research Area:

Areas of Interest: 
  • Provincial pre-industrial France
  • Drawing Practices & Drawing Academies
  • Architecture & Urbanism