Special Workshop: Introduction to ArcGIS Pro and its application in Art History and Archaeology

When and Where

Friday, December 06, 2024 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Sidney Smith Hall
100 St. George Street, Toronto, ON


 Introduction to ArcGIS Pro and its application in Art History and Archaeology

Date: December 6, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Department of Geography, Room SSH6030
Instructor: Dr. Hend Elsayed, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Art History, Faculty of Arts and Science

Registration Information:

  • Participants: Limited to 10
  • Priority: Given to undergraduates, graduates, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty from the Department of Art History

How to Register:

To register for this workshop, please complete the registration form here.

For questions, please email: hend.elsayed@utoronto.ca

Workshop Overview:

Are you interested in learning how to harness the power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for data analysis and visualization? This workshop provides a hands-on introduction to ArcGIS Pro to enable the creation of interactive visualizations and maps. The workshop is tailored to students in art history, archaeology, and urban studies but is suitable for all fields.

What you’ll learn:

Getting started with ArcGIS pro: Navigate the interface and explore the basic functionalities. 

Perform Basic Analysis: We will learn how to interpret geo-archaeological and/ or geo-historical questions using basic analysis tools.

Creating Maps: Create and customize maps to visualize geographical data and map historical places.

Experience Level: All levels are welcome and no prior experience required.

How to prepare:

Short videos will be sent to the participants a week before the workshop. Take a few minutes to watch these videos and explore the ArcGIS Pro interface. These videos will also Familiarize you with basic navigation and enhancing your workshop experience.


Teaching materials and handouts will be circulated in advance of the workshop.

Office hours:

Two online office hours will be announced following the workshop with 15- or 30-min slots.


ArcGIS Workshop Poster


100 St. George Street, Toronto, ON
