PhD Candidate
- Downtown Toronto (St. George)
Fields of Study
- Ancient
Areas of Interest
- Art and archaeology of Gandhara
- Hellenistic art
- Roman art
- Mediterranean archaeology
- Materiality
- Gender
- Hybridity and cross-cultural exchanges
Working Dissertation
Rethinking Representation: Women and Gender in the Art of Gandhara
SeungJung Kim
Selected Publications
- "Presence, Power, and Agency: Donor Portraits in Early Gandharan Art." Annali di Ca’ Foscari Serie orientale 59 (2023): 227-262.
- "Sculptures from BKG 16: Barikot Swat Excavation Campaign 2020-2021." East and West 62, no. 2 (2021): 67-194.
- "Toward Materiality and Globalization in the Art of Gandhara." Journal of Asian Civilizations 43, no. 2 (2020): 43–67.
Honours, Awards and Grants
- 2023 SGS Research Travel Grant
- 2022 International Doctoral Cluster Student Exchange, MACS
- 2021 CGS Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements, SSHRC
- 2021–24 Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship, SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
- 2020 W. Bernard Herman Scholarship In Art
MA, University of Toronto, Art History, 2019
"Embodying Ritual Performance: Donor Figures in Early Gandharan Art," 28th European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Annual Meeting, Budapest, 2022
"Engendering' the Ancient Art of Gandhara," 110th CAA Annual Conference, Chicago, 2022
"Global Images and Local Techniques in Gandharan Art," Images on the Move: comparative approaches to visual mobility in the Mediterranean, Gandhara and China, 2nd UCL and UofT IDC Workshop, 2021
- 2019-2020