Enter more specific areas of interest. Please write them in a numbered list, as the webform removes all formatting and it can be difficult to determine where line breaks between items should be.
Please list details of a maximum of 5 publications you would like to add to your profile (e.g., publication title, date, journal name, ISSN/ISBN, etc.)
Please write them in a numbered list, as the webform removes all formatting and it can be difficult to determine where line breaks between items should be.
Please list details of a maximum of 5 presentations you would like to add to your profile (e.g., title, event, location, date, etc.)
Please write them in a numbered list, as the webform removes all formatting and it can be difficult to determine where line breaks between items should be.
Please list details of a maximum of 5 honours/awards you would like to add to your profile (e.g., years, award name, awarding institution, etc.)
Please include them in a numbered list, as the webform removes all formatting and it can be difficult to determine where line breaks between items should be.
Please include a maximum of 5 administrative service positions you have held (e.g., title, institution, dates, etc.)
Please write them in a numbered list, as the webform removes all formatting and it can be difficult to determine where line breaks between items should be.
Please include a maximum of 5 professional affiliations you hold. Please write them in a numbered list, as the webform removes all formatting and it can be difficult to determine where line breaks between items should be.
Enter the degree abbreviation followed by a comma and the name of the educational institution. E.g., MA, Princeton University; BA, Ryerson University