Faculty of Arts & Science

Undergraduate Forms and Guides

Resource Description
Faculty of Arts & Science Petition Request Provides information about petitions and appeals, the petitions process, the Faculty of Arts & Science’s expectations, and the reasoning behind the answers students get in response to their different requests.
FAH Course Audit Form PDF A limited number of students may audit a course with permission of the instructor and subject to availability of space. Review the FAH Course Audit Form for full conditions and fees.
FAH Independent Study Application Form PDF Independent studies in the Department of Art History are for the development of projects under the individual supervision of a faculty member.
Verification of Student Illness or Injury The Verification of Student Illness or Injury is the new official University of Toronto form, replacing the Student Medical Certificate, for all students who are requesting special academic consideration based on illness or injury.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Letter to Placement Employers PDF The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) has implemented a new streamlined process for students enrolled in an approved Ontario university program that requires them to complete placements in the workplace as part of their program of study.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Student Declaration of Understanding PDF The government of Ontario, through the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU), reimburses WSIB for the cost of benefits it pays to Student Trainees enrolled in an approved program at a Training Agency (university).


Unofficial Art History Undergraduate Handbook

The Department website has all of the official information about the degrees and requirements. For a student’s perspective on the art history program, complete with helpful hints on how to get the most out of your time in the department, see the Unofficial Art History Undergraduate Handbook!

Download the Unofficial Art History Undergraduate Handbook (2019–20 Edition) PDF