MACS Proseminar: Hybridity, Innovation, and Exchange in the Earthwork Theaters of Roman Gaul (Dr. John Sigmier)
When and Where
"Hybridity, Innovation, and Exchange in the Earthwork Theaters of Roman Gaul"
A talk by Dr. John Sigmier (PhD, Penn 2024), A&S Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
Thursday, Oct. 24, in LI 205 (Lillian Massey) - 4pm
In this presentation, I discuss the use of earthwork substructures in Roman theatre buildings, an architectural approach that was distinctive to Rome’s northwestern provinces during the first two centuries CE. Scholars have historically treated the decision to build with earth rather than with stone or concrete as an architectural simplification, motivated by costs of materials and a lack of technical expertise at provincial construction sites. Based on a comparative analysis of mound building in pre-Columbian North America and Iron Age Europe, I argue instead that earthworks were a sophisticated structural solution that applied an established local tradition of monumental construction to an imported Mediterranean architectural form.