Michael E. Marmura Lectures in Arabic Studies 2024-25: Heba Mostafa
When and Where
Join the Department of Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations as they welcome Professor Heba Mostafa to the 2024-25 Michael E. Marmura Lecture Series in Arabic Studies.
On November 22, Professor Mostafa will discuss her new book, Architecture of Anxiety, Body Politics and the Formation of Islamic Architecture.
Further details coming soon.
The Michael E. Marmura Lecture Series in Arabic Studies is an interdisciplinary and multi-perspectival endeavor by faculty members of the Department of Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations at the University of Toronto. The series is devoted to explorations of culture, history and politics in the Arab world, its diasporas, and their transnational itineraries. We use “Arabic” studies rather than “Arab” studies to gesture towards a field based on a common language context rather than on an ethnicity.
It is dedicated to the memory of Michael E. Marmura, F.R.S.C. Professor of Medieval Islamic Philosophy, who was born 1929 in Jerusalem, Palestine, and died 2009 in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. The lecture series seeks to promote public education, scholarly collaboration, and intellectual engagement among students and scholars in the Greater Toronto Area.