The Department of Art History is piloting a new initiative to match alumni with specific research projects that could benefit from short-term funding for paid internships. Through this initiative, alumni can see the immediate results of their support.
As a department we are fortunate in having so many alumni actively involved in the art world of Toronto. In recent years we have been making a special effort to engage our students in this world beyond the classroom, through internships with partners such as the ROM, the AGO, the Aga Khan Museum, and the Gardiner. These internships are incredibly valuable to the students in gaining hands-on experience. In many cases, they contribute to the ongoing research projects of our faculty too.
So, we have come up with the idea of launching a scheme that seeks to match alumni with student research and outreach internships. These internships often need some funding to support the student for a few months. The model for what we have in mind is an initiative led by Prof. Mark Cheetham, which saw students contribute to a database on Public Art in Toronto. Support from alumna Mimi Fullerton enabled the students to complete this project. With discrete projects completed promptly and reported on at regular intervals alumni can feel directly engaged and see their support having immediate results.
Projects that alumni can support include:
- The ROM Sculpture Project
- The AGO Bernini Project
- Architectural History Working Group
- Art History Writing Initiative
- and other partnerships with the Aga Khan Museum and U of T's Art Museum
Stay tuned for future possibilities. Please reach out to us via email to find out ways to get involved. We thank you for your support!