In the spring of 2023, a number of students took part in the Canada Constructed internship program, for course credit (FAH481H1) in the Department of Art History at the University of Toronto. Here, third-year student Cindy Staffieri reflects on her internship experience with The National Trust for Canada…
Tell us a bit about yourself and your internship placement!
My name is Cindy Staffieri. I am a third-year student, pursuing a Major in Art History and Minor in Italian Studies. I enjoy working out, walking my dog, and trying out new recipes with my daughters.
My internship was a remote placement with The National Trust for Canada. The National Trust is a charitable organization that focuses on saving heritage sites throughout Canada. Working with Chris Wiebe, Manager of Heritage Policy & Government Relations, my placement consisted of a research project contacting potential speakers for the National Trust Annual Conference, as well as gathering important data regarding the adaptive reuse of cultural and heritage buildings across Canada.
What were some of the highlights of your placement?
The highlights of my placement were the interviews that I conducted with stakeholders across the Canadian architectural, building, and charitable spectrum. I got to speak with professionals who are making a difference in our communities, and it was an honour to feel part of that.
“This internship has created a desire to further my studies in Canadian art and architecture and to take part in preserving and sharing our heritage with others.”
Learning about this aspect of Canadian heritage and culture was humbling. We are constantly looking outside of our borders for great art and architecture. Whether it is Renaissance Italy or the modern movement in the United States, we fail to remember all that our country has to offer. This internship has created a desire to further my studies in Canadian art and architecture and to take part in preserving and sharing our heritage with others.
What drew you to the internship?
The opportunity to use my academic skills that I have acquired in a professional setting drew me to the internship. I was interested in understanding how I could translate my academic learning into a potential employment opportunity.
Why do you think other students should consider an internship?
I personally think that every student in the humanities should have an opportunity at an internship. Many of the sciences such as engineering, have work placements, and the question that is most asked among my peers is, “I am not sure what type of employment I’ll be able to get when I graduate.” This internship made me realize that my skills are in demand! There are many great opportunities waiting for us as U of T graduates!
“This internship made me realize that my skills are in demand! There are many great opportunities waiting for us as U of T graduates!”
Thanks, Cindy!
Want to get involved? For more information on current internships visit our Internships page.
You can also contact directly with questions.
This project has been funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Innovative Work-Integrated Learning program and CEWIL Canada’s iHUB.
This project is supported by the Learning & Education Advancement Fund at the University of Toronto.