(Postponed) Art History ROM Lightning Talks

When and Where

Friday, March 27, 2020 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Room UC 161
University College
15 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 3H7


Arni Brownstone, Assistant Curator (Plains Indian Culture), ROM
Jordan Bear, Associate Professor, Department of Art History
Mark Cheetham, Professor, Department of Art History
Paul Denis, Assistant Curator (Greek, Etruscan, Roman & Byzantine) , ROM
Deepali Dewan, Dan Mishra Curator of South Asian Art & Culture, ROM
Ethan Matt Kavaler, Professor, Department of Art History
Carl Knappett, Chair & Professor, Department of Art History
Alexandra Palmer, Senior Curator, Nora E. Vaughan Fashion Costume Curatorship, ROM
Philip Sapirstein, Assistant Professor, Department of Art History


In keeping with the University of Toronto's recommendations to cancel or postpone all discretionary events, the Art History ROM Lightning Talks event has been postponed until further notice

Join us for an afternoon of fast paced presentations by Art History faculty and Royal Ontario Museum curators.


Department of Art History, Royal Ontario Museum


15 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 3H7